Getting there . . .
The conference will be held in the Clapp Auditorium at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Peter Pan bus service provides a convenient and affordable transport service directly to Woods Hole from many location in the North East, including:
- Hartford Union Station, New Haven Union Station (CT)
- Boston South Station, `Boston Logan Airport, Worcester Union Station (MA)
- Concord Trailways Terminal, Manchester Transportation Center (NH)
- Port Authority Bus Terminal (NYC), Albany Greyhound Bus Terminal (NY)
- Philadelphia Greyhound Bus Terminal (PA)
- Providence Bus Terminal, Providence Kennedy Plaza (RI)
Upon arrival, please register in the Swope Center Lobby and park your car based on the instructions provided by MBL staff. Room check-in is at 2 pm on Saturday (during lunch break).